Non-Profit Status
As a school-affiliated program, we do not solicit financial donations. However, as a 501c3 non-profit organization, we eagerly accept any free-will gifts of money, goods, or services. See our Wish List for items most in need.
Contact the Director, Eunice Williams, at [email protected] for further information.
Wish List
Please take a look at our wish list for goods and services we most need, which is located at the bottom of this page.
We are always in need of volunteers, especially at our concerts (decorating, ushering) but there is always something to do, like managing the music archives. Check out the list of Services on our Wish List for many idea of ways to contribute. Ours is a friendly and pleasant community. Come and see! We'll find a way to match your skills and interests with our myriad opportunities.
Program Ads
We offer space for advertisements in our programs, which will reach an ever-growing audience of over 500 patrons at our bi-annual productions as well as our own 100 members and more event operators and audiences at our many other concerts. Our members and audiences include seniors, performers, families and students.
Benefits for Others
By supporting the chorus your are enhancing the life and health of older adults in San Diego, as well as promoting local arts and entertainment, preserving the unique tradition of community chorus, and helping to ensure the future of Continuing Education, particularly the Emeritus program, in the San Diego Community College District. That's a wide-ranging ripple effect magnifying your contributions!
Benefits for you
In gratitude for your support, we will proudly and happily recognize you and yours in our concert programs as well as on our website and FaceBook page. This publicity will reach an ever-increasing audience of over 500 seniors, families, entertainers, and students at our big seasonal performance, plus many others at the variety of other venues where we play, in addition to our own 100 chorus members.